Connect with advertisers like never before! You get to name your own prices. You get to negotiate your own deals. Start now by signing up below and enjoy a match made in monetary heaven!
You’re ready to learn how to produce videos and use YouTube not
just for fun but to make money as well. While much of that process
will still be fun, we’re not going to schmooze you into believing it
will all be games, fame, and fortune. The people we spoke to who
were finding success on YouTube were having fun, but they were
also working hard. If you want to follow their lead, you’ll find yourself in the same position. The good news is, you are just as likely to
succeed as anyone else who has found success on YouTube. Right
now, YouTube is “a level playing field,” according to Steve Hall, advertising guru and publisher of the advertising industry blog
AdRANTs. YouTube success can strike anywhere and doesn’t favor
one type of company over another. “It’s not about clout or who has
the bigger hammer,” Steve adds.Throughout this book, you’ll be finding out about everything
from how to create and title videos to how to attract people to your
videos and maybe even make them go viral. But, as much as we
plan to help you, we also promise to be completely honest with
you about the ups and downs of life on YouTube. Jay Grandin, of
Giant Ant Media and his partner Leah Nelson launched a video
production business thanks to the success they garnered from
their YouTube video How to Shower: Women vs. Men. As of this moment, that video has had more than five million views, and Jay and
Leah have posted more than 60 other videos. They’re also in the
business of producing YouTube videos for other individuals and
companies wanting to find YouTube success. “It’s difficult when
the client is looking for a ‘viral video,’” Jay told us. “It just doesn’t
work that way.” So, we’re not about to tell you we can lead you to
guaranteed success. What we can do is show you how many others
have found success and how you can effectively add your videos to
the YouTube community in the hopes of doing the same.
Creating Your Videos
Chapter 4 is devoted to the subject of producing and creating good
videos. We’ve gathered great input from dozens of interviews with
YouTube pioneers, and by the time you reach Chapter 5, you’ll be
leagues ahead of newcomers starting out on their own. If you feel
intimidated by the task, we’re here to tell you to take a deep breath
and relax. Yes, many of the people we’ve spoken with came to
YouTube with video production backgrounds, but most did not.
You don’t have to be a Hollywood producer to create a compelling
YouTube video. As a matter of fact, many experts feel the “amateur”
approach is actually more appealing to the YouTube audience than
the fully polished and professional look. You’ll have to decide for
yourself which of these makes sense in your case, but whether you
want to do it yourself or enlist a professional, you’ll make that decision based on a solid background and knowledge about both
Y O U T O O C A N B E A Y o u T u b e S T A R !
25Video editing software has grown to be simpler and less expensive. Many fully functional programs are actually free. So, once
you’ve captured your video images, you’ll be able to edit the final
product yourself. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t yet know how
to do that. Instead, remember our homemakers-turned-YouTubechefs. They didn’t know anything about editing video when they
first began either. But, that didn’t stop them from figuring it out.
You have the added advantage of the expertise they—and many
others—have been willing to share with us. So, you are actually
starting out near the front of the line.
Perhaps the easiest part of this whole process is uploading your
videos to YouTube—the actual transfer of your video file to the site.
That is true today, and will only be more so in the future. Today’s video
cameras are not only cheaper than they used to be, they are also easier
to use and more likely to come equipped with seamless uploading capabilities. Uploading videos to YouTube has become so important
that video camera manufacturers have to make the uploading process
simple to stay competitive. Trust us, it’s as easy as clicking a mouse. If
you can send e-mail, you can upload a video to YouTube.
Marketing Your YouTube Video
So, how on earth are you going to get anyone to notice your little
video once you put it on the site? Good question, but it’s not one
we’re going to answer in Chapter 1. Chapter 5 is devoted to that
subject, and there you’ll learn all kinds of clever ways to help get
your video noticed. For the purpose of this discussion, we want to
set the stage by telling you that you have just a small window of opportunity to get your video noticed while it’s new. You improve your
chances by being an active member of the YouTube community
when you first start producing and then uploading videos. So, between now and Chapter 5, spend time on the site, rate and comment on videos, subscribe to the channels from the producers you
like, and share the videos you enjoy. By the time you’re ready, you’ll
have your own presence on the site.
H O W T O M A K E M O N E Y W I T H Y o u T u b e 26WHAT I KNOW NOW
So, what are some of the key “takeaways” from this chapter? (We’ll
provide this sort of wrap-up for each chapter.)
• YouTube isn’t just a site for sharing videos. It’s an entire
online community.
• According to demographics, YouTube users are spread all
across the United States and are evenly divided between
the genders. And 73 percent of YouTube viewers say they
don’t mind the advertising that appears on the site because
those ads keep the site free to its users.
• YouTube is simple to navigate; uploading videos is a snap.
• YouTube partnerships mean revenue-sharing opportunities.
• YouTube is now an international phenomenon with more
than 200 million visitors arriving at the site every month.
• YouTube has achieved this incredible level of success in the
This is about the love and affection these two countries have and we have to be a part of it and help this cause to bring these two nations from this great partition
Saturday, 20 October 2012
The Web has opened a world of opportunity and wealth creation. You can earn, sell, market, spend, leverage
your skill and lure clients from the comfort of your home. But there
are scams abound and hurdles aplenty. Here's how to make the most of
this platform.
Namrata Dadwal and Amit Shanbaug
never had it so good. Access to a client list that runs into hundreds of
millions, a reach that spreads across the world, hardly any
infrastructure cost, and no need to impress anyone with a wall full of
framed qualifications. Welcome to the virtual bazaar,
a marketplace that encompasses the world while shrinking it to a small
screen. A region where every boundary is blurred; no one cares about
your age and no one needs to know if you live in the boondocks or a
plush penthouse.
The World Wide Web has a solution for
everything, and for everything, a customer. If you don't know where to
start, join a popular network. Let the numbers convince you: 150 million
users on Facebook and 200 million on Twitter. Each and everyone is a
potential customer for anything that you have to sell: your skills, your
thoughts or even your junk.
We take you through a list of
professions that you can venture into and introduce you to people who
have leveraged the Net to earn a comfortable income. By no means is this
a comprehensive list. In fact, it is not even an indicative one since
the virtual world is continuously evolving and new opportunities are
cropping up every day. After all, some of the biggest platforms that
people use currently didn't even exist a decade ago—Facebook was
launched in 2004, YouTube in 2005, and Twitter in 2006.
Write way to earn
Blogging, micro-blogging , Tweeting, freelance writing, editing, e-authoring and translating.
Comprehensive writing skill and expertise in any field.
500 for a 300-word article to 1 lakh a month for full-time blogging .
Your thoughts are worth more than a penny now. Your scribbles and
musings can earn you big bucks, if you know how to market them well. If
you are unsure of your talent, start by writing a blog. It's easy to
begin—just join a blogging site, such as Blogspot or Wordpress,
and start writing. There is no training institute for this and only
through trial and error will you discover what appeals to readers.
However, bloggers are flooding the virtual world and if you want to
stand out and get noticed by readers and advertisers , you will need to
provide information or advice that no one else can, or provide it in a
way that is better than others. You can join a writers ' community,
where people freely dispense tips on improving writing or increasing
readership (see How to increase blog traffic). Once you find your
literary footing, it may be better to have your own Website and domain
name. This gives you a specific identity, and if you submit your blog's
URL to search engines, it will become more noticeable on the Net. The
charges for a domain name usually range from 300-1 ,000 a year. The main
source of income for most bloggers is Google AdSense, which places contextual ads on Websites.
As new mediums open up, you need to adapt and leverage these. Hrish
Thota did so when he evolved from blogging to Tweeting. Thota has been
blogging for almost a decade and joined Twitter when it was launched in
2006. He is now a professional Tweeter, who has 4,500 followers and
earns about 1 lakh a month. The 31-year-old , who is a former employee
of consulting firm Capgemini, began his Twitter career by writing about
events and computer hardware in Bangalore. Within a year, as his network
of followers grew, companies began to approach him to Tweet
about their products. Recently, he was involved with a campaign for
Ford Figo for around a month-and-a-half , where he had to do a road show
from Chandigarh to Chennai, Tweeting and photo-blogging about the
events in real time. On an average, he earns 30,000-40 ,000 a month per
As important as your writing skill is your ability to
network. "Before you begin to post your views, you need to create a
community. You should go to various meets and events to develop
contacts," says Thota.
Though writing seems easy at first
glance, if you want to earn money from it, you will have to work hard.
Professional bloggers put in about 2-5 hours every day and constantly
strive to write on topics that provide updated information. You need to
be regular and prompt in answering your readers' queries.
you have honed your skills and are confident about what you write, you
could even publish a book a la Anupam Mukerji, who became famous for his
blog, the Fake IPL Player , written cheekily about the IPL's second
season. In March last year, he published a book, The Gamechanger.
However, if no publisher seems interested in the physical realm, don't
despair. You can write a virtual bestseller . E-books are in high demand
across the world and many people are writing exclusively for this
segment. In June this year, crime novelist John Locke became the first
independent author to sell more than 1 million ebooks through Kindle's
(Amazon) direct publishing programme, under which you do not need an
agent or a publisher. Each e-book was sold for $0.99 (` 48), of which
Locke pocketed 35 cents (` 17). Global classroom JOBS: E-tutoring
. SKILLS: Domain knowledge and good communication skills. INCOME:
5,000-50 ,000 a month (for 8-hour sessions) depending on the subject and
region (India/international).
When Shyamila Rana's husband got
a job in Dehradun in 2007, the 42-year-old school teacher began
applying for a post in various schools in the city. Unfortunately, not
many were willing to hire her, citing age as a factor . Rana was
unwilling to waste her experience and time, so she began looking
elsewhere. She soon found hundreds of overseas students, who were eager
to learn science from her. "One of my husband's colleagues told him
about e-tutoring and I sent an application , along with my resume, to
one of the Websites," says Rana, who now teaches science for four hours
to students based in the US. For this, she is earning better than she
would in a traditional school.
E-tutoring is a process in which
a teacher educates a student or a group of students on a particular
subject through online technology. This can involve the use of Web-based
programs and includes data, voice and video communication. The tutor
can send questions, receive completed papers , provide results and
recommendations , clarify concepts, assist on assignments , etc. To
begin in this field, you can sign up with some established names such as
Says Alok Bansal, chief executive officer of
Gurgaon-based Alethia Education Services: "To start a career as an
online tutor, you should know the content well and be conversant with
technology." Another aspect you need to consider is the working hours,
especially if you are teaching international students.
Kulshreshtha recognised the lacuna in this field in 2007 when he decided
to venture into online teaching . The Noida-based chartered accountant
is a serial Web entrepreneur, who started two advisory services portals
in 2000. A few years later, he launched a BPO company, Cleave Global
E-Services , which he sold last year. As he was comfortable with the Net
and had the technical expertise, Kulshreshtha invested almost 10 crore
in setting up infrastructure, buying equipment and hiring teachers ,
before he finally launched Extramarks .com in 2008. Although the going
was tough initially, today Extramarks .com has a support base of around
150 teachers and has 7 lakh students enrolled in various programmes . It
has nine offices in different parts of the country and had a turnover
of 60 crore last year.
Virtual bazaar
Online enterprise.
Guts, gumption and marketing savvy.
Whatever you want. Shakil Thasariya began collecting autographs as a 13-year-old schoolboy, when the former President APJ Abdul Kalam
gave him one in 2003. A year later, he discovered that his passion
could be profitable when he sold 10 autographs to an antique dealer for
`4,000. However, finding buyers in his hometown, Rajkot, Gujarat,
wasn't easy. The perfect avenue: eBay. The portal opened up access to a
wider and more keen clientele. He made quite a few successful sales and
also got in touch with a lot of autograph dealers in the US and Europe.
"This business of selling autographs is based on trust, especially if
you are doing so online. To have a credible long-term reputation, I
offer my clients a 100% money-back guarantee if they discover that my
autographs are fake," says Thasariya, who earns about `7,000 a month by
selling 7-8 autographs.
The online medium is a perfect platform
for small entrepreneurs or startups , who cannot afford to rent office
space or shop. However, maintaining a Website also requires work and
money. A free and easily manageable platform is social networking sites,
most notably Facebook. Say Nikita
Fernandes and Vinisha Dugar: "We were already members of Facebook and
had a wide circle of friends, so when we decided to launch our own
business, Fishing Hook, using the site was a logical choice. Besides,
managing a dedicated Website would become too difficult to handle."
The two Mumbai-based friends launched their business in July last year. They outsourced accessories from China and Hong Kong,
put up their photographs on Facebook and then sell these in India.
Within three months, they had about 500 fans on their page and were
generating orders worth about 10,000, of which 3,000 was their profit
Initially, they would deliver the products themselves
and collect cash from customers. However, as their clientele grew in
other cities, they began to courier the products and charge 100 as
shipping charges. In September this year, they joined hands with an
e-commerce portal,, where they have put their products on
display. Today, their Facebook page has nearly 2,100 fans and their
client base has expanded to Delhi, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore and
There are hundreds of online sellers who are
leveraging the World Wide Web to create wealth. And this is just the tip
of the proverbial iceberg.
A lot of people claim they make money with Facebook.But how? Facebook does not pay members to use their site.
There are some other possibilities.One of them, and the simplest ever , for everyone , newbie or pro in internet making money is using site like Fanslave!
What is Fanslave? Is a site which will send you some "likes" or "follows" and all you have to do is press the button and like the fanpage in you Facebook account.
How you can do it? Simple, associate your Facebook account with your Fanslave account, and that's it, you start making money in no time.
You can also invite your friend to do that, and receive a reward for this, 10% of what they do for lifetime.Trust me, money comes quickly when you have referred 10-100 people, and those referred their friends also, so you will have 1-2 level of referrals, and a stable income.
How that sound so far? Good? I bet it does! The minimum for payout is 15 Euro, and the payment processor is Paypal.If you like the idea join my team by clicking the banner below.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
So you want to make money. Your mom or dad tells you to go rake a lawn or something. That's pretty hard and it doesn't make you a lot of money. I know some ways that you can make a lot of money and it is also fun!
Do you play online games like World of Warcraft and Minecarft. If your really good at the game you can actually make money. You can actually sell your acoounts of these games on websites. One website where you can sell
World of Warcraft accounts is On this site people make a lot of money from just selling accounts.
So you can make a really nice account and sell it. You will make a decent amount of cash. On "gamepal" you can also sell accounts of other games also, like Maple Story and Runescape.
So do you have some old stuff you want to get rid of. If they are in good condition you will be able to sell it online. I did it before and it works. You can sell these stuff on ebay or kijiji. Sites like those. So if you have a PS2 that you do not want to use, you can sell it online. It's a great way to get money.
You can also write on Squidoo or RedGage for money. These sites are great for making money. All you need to do is write or make videos. It's really easy.
Another great way to make money is by making websites! People earn a lot of money with websites in many different ways. Some people sell their websites and some make money with it by ads and links. You can make a website about your favourite TV show or review about games. I recommend Wordpress for beginners because you don't need to know HTML. If you can program and you know HTML there are other ways to make websites. I also recommend HostGator for hosting your website, because it's one of the cheapest.
I hope this helps you and enjoy!
RedGage is a website that pays you for your content and monetizes your social activity.
The recession has made everyone think a bit harder about what they're spending and how much goods are costing them. Individuals and families alike are looking to make savings where they can to ensure their disposable income goes as far as possible. A survey carried out last year found that more than 10 per cent of people questioned said they were buying more second-hand goods than they were before the recession. Buying second-hand when products need replacing is a great way to save money, and if you know where to look and what it is you should be looking for, then not only can you secure a great deal but also end up with a quality item.
Retail websites such as eBay and Gumtree have benefitted massively from the downturn, as more people go online to find a bargain. Finding used kettles, fridges and microwaves for sale online is incredibly easy these days as a result. Buying online through a leading firm will generally put you in a much better position with regard to your rights and it is much more likely that you will have some comeback if things don't go quite to plan.
One of the first things to make sure of when you are buying something pre-owned over the internet is that you trust the person or businesses selling the item. You're not going to be able to hold the product and test it yourself before handing over your hard-earned cash, so ensure you're comfortable that you're handing your money over to a reliable individual or company.
Another option is to get confirmation that you will be able to return the item if it does not meet your standards. When purchasing an item such as a baby monitorfor example, you will want to see for yourself that no damage has been caused to the unit – if there are signs of repairs or modifications then you will not be able to vouch for the continued safety of the product.
Don't rush ! One of the worst things you can do when buying electrical goods online is rush into a purchase. Make sure that you're happy before you hand over any cash – it's far easier to walk away than to try and claim your money back later.
If possible ask that the item you are buying can be tested by a competent electrical engineer. There is no legal obligation on the person or company selling the item to do so, although larger retailers are more likely to offer such a service. Under the Consumer Protection Act 1987, the seller must however only sell used electrical items that are safe and do not pose any risk of injury or death to people or domestic animals, or damage to property.
Above all, use common sense when purchasing used electrical goods online. It might be an old adage, but there's a reason people remember it – if something looks too good to be true then it probably is. If your instinct tells you that something is amiss then make sure you pay attention and steer clear. When dealing with electrical goods you always want to exercise caution and ensure that all purchases will not only stand the test of time, but be safe too. There are certain goods that it is simply not advisable to purchase second-hand – for example electric blankets . It is impossible to know the history of the item and how it has been used and stored. For safety reasons this type of item is best purchased new.
Best Ways To Make Money Online!
Selling eBooks or Products
The first way to make a lot of money is to sell eBooks or a prduct you have. If you are dedicated to this you can make a living off of it. People make millions of dollars by selling a product they made online. You don't even need to make a website to sell your product. There are many websites you can sell products on, for example That is a extremely popular website and I've even made money on it before. That is a very nice way to make money.
Making a Website
The second best way to make money online is to make a website. Now you might not know how to program or how to use HTML, but that won't be a problem. There is a website called and on that website you can make a website simply. You don't use HTML or needing to program. It gives you everything you need. And the best thing about it is that it is FREE! Yes it is free but you need to pay for an upgrade. But you won't be needing that. I also have a website that I created using WordPress which is But to actually make money on your website you will need ads. You should use Google Adsense. You can also sell your website. I don't really know how to do that but you should go to for more information about selling websites.
Selling Website Domains
Selling website domain names is something which you can make money on easily. If you don't know what a domain is, it is a website name. Basically all you have to do is buy a domain for $10-$20 and sell it for hundreds or thousands. Now this you can make a living on. I think it is better than article writing. If your determined to this you can make a lot of money. A website you can use to sell domains is but you will have to pay a member ship fee. There are other websites you can use also but estibot is the best.
Writing Articles
Last but not least the best way to make money online is to write articles. You might not make a living on it but you can make a lot of extra cash. Websites where you can write articles for free and get paid are, and There are many other websites but these are one of the best.
That's it for this article. Ihope it helps you. Remember if you think you can make money online, you will.
If your a writer who can write professional articles, then ghostwriting might work for you. Ghostwriting is a popular option for writer's who want to pick some extra income. Many writer's are not interesting in running blogs or websites. Some people just want to write and make a little extra on the side.
A ghostwriter is a person who writes articles,books,screenplays, and gains no recognition for their writings only income. Now some of you might be saying, "I can't write, and not receive credit!" Then ghostwriting is not for you. Many writer's earn a substantial income each month by simply writing articles on any and everything. If you can handle rejection and write several articles a day then you can make some money.
You can find writing jobs in many communities that are looking to hire writer's for all types of tasks. Ghostwriters write for various different topics and websites. You can easily become an expert in your field or niche and the more writing you do the more money you can demand.
Companies and people generally hire ghostwriters because they lack the time or the ability to write the content themselves. There are all different places to find ghostwriting gigs. Read this article: "Earn Money With Textbroker" if you are a beginner, and want to learn the basics.
How much can I earn?
The amount of money that you can earn from ghostwriting can vary depending on the type of project your doing. If you write for a blog you can expect to make anywhere from $5-$20 dollars per post. If your lucky you will gain a client which will allow you a steady flow of income.
The better you write the more clients you can expect to gain. The more experience you have, the more chance you will have to negotiate better rates. Keep in mind that writing is a competitive field. Many writers are competing for the same pool of jobs that you are.
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
"Best Websites for the Bloggers And Writers"
Writing in any freelance websites given below can earn you the much wanted money , so start writing
and get paid soon.These records of websites are developed and tested by renown analyst to earn that much wanted buck
<> With Blogger, you can earn money just by posting high-quality original content on your favourite topics. Blogger has a dedicated Monetise tab that allows you to easily place AdSense ads on your blog.
<> The popular (free) site for creating single webpages on your interests and recommendations. Even earn money for charity or yourself.
<>Flixya is yet another social media site where you can get paid to blog, upload videos, or photos.. All you need to do is post to your blog and you will enjoy 100 percent of the advertisement revenue.
<> Once your post is approved it is published to your blog via Direct Publishing. After 30 days you are paid your points. You can convert your points directly in to cash and receive payment via PayPal.
<> The HubPages ecosystem provides a search-friendly infrastructure which drives traffic to Hubs from search engines such as Google and Yahoo, and enables Hubbers to earn revenue from industry-standard advertising vehicles such as Google AdSense and the eBay and Amazon Affiliates program. All of this is provided free to Hubbers in an open online community.
<> Make money blogging! PayPerPost lets you pick your advertisers, name your own price and negotiate your own deals. You can get paid to blog on virtually any subject. Sign up below!
<> A Blogger is a paid professional writer who posts regularly on a given topic. A Blogger writes articles with a minimum of 300 words. Bloggers can blog for many different topics--as long as they have the expertise to write in that subject area.
<> Topic Writers are freelancers who work online and set their own schedules, giving them the flexibility to work when it suits them. There are other advantages, too, including a competitive compensation plan, support from our highly-trained editorial team, and the opportunity to take part in our PR program.
<> Every time a piece of your content is published on Infobarrel, you have the opportunity to make money. As a publisher on Infobarrel you are entitled to 75% of all the Google Adsense ad impressions generated by your content. You need a Google Adsense account in order to make money. If you don't have one, you can signup for a Google Adsense using your InfoBarrel profile
Get paid. Earn money through incentive payments, exclusive assignments and performance bonuses based on the traffic your work receives.
These are the almost the best sites you can make money from in my next post i will disclose all the secrets behind review writing and the websites related to it