Wednesday, 24 October 2012

How to make money on Youtube



Earn serious Cash


You’re ready to learn how to produce videos and use YouTube not
just for fun but to make money as well. While much of that process
will still be fun, we’re not going to schmooze you into believing it
will all be games, fame, and fortune. The people we spoke to who
were finding success on YouTube were having fun, but they were
also working hard. If you want to follow their lead, you’ll find yourself in the same position. The good news is, you are just as likely to
succeed as anyone else who has found success on YouTube. Right
now, YouTube is “a level playing field,” according to Steve Hall, advertising guru and publisher of the advertising industry blog
AdRANTs. YouTube success can strike anywhere and doesn’t favor
one type of company over another. “It’s not about clout or who has
the bigger hammer,” Steve adds.Throughout this book, you’ll be finding out about everything
from how to create and title videos to how to attract people to your
videos and maybe even make them go viral. But, as much as we
plan to help you, we also promise to be completely honest with
you about the ups and downs of life on YouTube. Jay Grandin, of
Giant Ant Media and his partner Leah Nelson launched a video
production business thanks to the success they garnered from
their YouTube video How to Shower: Women vs. Men. As of this moment, that video has had more than five million views, and Jay and
Leah have posted more than 60 other videos. They’re also in the
business of producing YouTube videos for other individuals and
companies wanting to find YouTube success. “It’s difficult when
the client is looking for a ‘viral video,’” Jay told us. “It just doesn’t
work that way.” So, we’re not about to tell you we can lead you to
guaranteed success. What we can do is show you how many others
have found success and how you can effectively add your videos to
the YouTube community in the hopes of doing the same.
Creating Your Videos
Chapter 4 is devoted to the subject of producing and creating good
videos. We’ve gathered great input from dozens of interviews with
YouTube pioneers, and by the time you reach Chapter 5, you’ll be
leagues ahead of newcomers starting out on their own. If you feel
intimidated by the task, we’re here to tell you to take a deep breath
and relax. Yes, many of the people we’ve spoken with came to
YouTube with video production backgrounds, but most did not.
You don’t have to be a Hollywood producer to create a compelling
YouTube video. As a matter of fact, many experts feel the “amateur”
approach is actually more appealing to the YouTube audience than
the fully polished and professional look. You’ll have to decide for
yourself which of these makes sense in your case, but whether you
want to do it yourself or enlist a professional, you’ll make that decision based on a solid background and knowledge about both

Y O U   T O O   C A N   B E   A   Y o u T u b e S T A R !

25Video editing software has grown to be simpler and less expensive. Many fully functional programs are actually free. So, once
you’ve captured your video images, you’ll be able to edit the final
product yourself. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t yet know how
to do that. Instead, remember our homemakers-turned-YouTubechefs. They didn’t know anything about editing video when they
first began either. But, that didn’t stop them from figuring it out.
You have the added advantage of the expertise they—and many
others—have been willing to share with us. So, you are actually
starting out near the front of the line.
Perhaps the easiest part of this whole process is uploading your
videos to YouTube—the actual transfer of your video file to the site.
That is true today, and will only be more so in the future. Today’s video
cameras are not only cheaper than they used to be, they are also easier
to use and more likely to come equipped with seamless uploading capabilities. Uploading videos to YouTube has become so important
that video camera manufacturers have to make the uploading process
simple to stay competitive. Trust us, it’s as easy as clicking a mouse. If
you can send e-mail, you can upload a video to YouTube.
Marketing Your YouTube Video
So, how on earth are you going to get anyone to notice your little
video once you put it on the site? Good question, but it’s not one
we’re going to answer in Chapter 1. Chapter 5 is devoted to that
subject, and there you’ll learn all kinds of clever ways to help get
your video noticed. For the purpose of this discussion, we want to
set the stage by telling you that you have just a small window of opportunity to get your video noticed while it’s new. You improve your
chances by being an active member of the YouTube community
when you first start producing and then uploading videos. So, between now and Chapter 5, spend time on the site, rate and comment on videos, subscribe to the channels from the producers you
like, and share the videos you enjoy. By the time you’re ready, you’ll
have your own presence on the site.

H O W   T O   M A K E   M O N E Y   W I T H   Y o u T u b e

So, what are some of the key “takeaways” from this chapter? (We’ll
provide this sort of wrap-up for each chapter.)
• YouTube isn’t just a site for sharing videos. It’s an entire
online community.
• According to demographics, YouTube users are spread all
across the United States and are evenly divided between
the genders. And 73 percent of YouTube viewers say they
don’t mind the advertising that appears on the site because
those ads keep the site free to its users. 
• YouTube is simple to navigate; uploading videos is a snap. 
• YouTube partnerships mean revenue-sharing opportunities.
• YouTube is now an international phenomenon with more
than 200 million visitors arriving at the site every month. 
• YouTube has achieved this incredible level of success in the
fewer than four years since its founding.

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